Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.  Rumi We hear […]

Alphabet to Authenticity

Welcome and Happy New Year. My gift to you to start the year is a deck of cards based on the alphabet to inspire your authentic self. I have done […]

Dating Money

Dating Money How is your relationship with money these days? Any good dating spots? Have you ever thought about dating money? I am not talking about dating for money. I […]

New Beginnings

New Beginnings “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” —Seneca September is a month of endings and beginnings. The Jewish New Year often falls in September, offering an […]

Let’s Talk About Wellness

I find it fascinating how different months have different themes. This month’s theme is wellness, a subject I’m sure we can all use more information on. I was curious about […]

Learning from the Dolphins: The Curious Voyage

In the 1990s, I was trained in B.R.E.T.H. work (Breathe Releasing Energy for Transformation and Healing as described in The Curious Voyage). My teacher, Kamala Hope Campbell, integrated what she […]

Recharging Your Inner Sunshine

Welcome to the month of May! The birds are singing, the flowers are coming out to play, and the sun is shining longer than before. Spring is in full bloom. […]

Celebrating March

Women’s History Month and Social Work Month are here, along with Spring. Let’s celebrate the women in our lives and the world that have helped make a difference. Some women […]

Reframing the Dead of Winter

As we enter the dead of winter, many of us have found ourselves looking forward to the warmth and sunshine of bright spring days. But, some find themselves dreading that […]

Journaling as a Powerful New Habit

The other day, I had just begun working through the Curious Voyage Journal when my colleague posted about the importance of keeping a journal. As I pondered their post, I […]

How to Tap into Your Natural Magnificence

How to Tap Into Your Natural Magnificence We are each absolutely magnificent beings. Yes, that means you too. I don’t just mean magnificent in a theoretical sense. Even when you are […]

Attachment Styles and Finances

Attachment Styles and Finances As a therapist, you work with your clients to help them build a healthy relationship with themselves, their pasts, the people in their lives, and their […]

Develop Your Intuition to get into Flow

intuition flow peace calm

Develop Your Intuition to Get into Flow We are born as sensitive, self-attuned beings. Sadly, however, too many of us are feeling anxiety, overwhelm and depression right now. It doesn’t […]

Getting Unstuck with Brainspotting

How is your light shining this season? What can you do to enhance the light within and stay connected with the healing process for all of those you help? Let’s […]

From Fear to Love

From Fear to Love Trauma is healed in Community. Let’s share and heal together. Fear Zone  The other day someone shared the below chart from Off the Mat, Into the […]