As I sit down to ponder writing a blog on decision-making, I find myself at a loss. Should I lean on ChatGPT for help? Dive into the pages of a book? Or perhaps seek information from within. I choose to embark on the inner whispers and open the conversation with you.

April makes me think of rain, streams and rivers. Consider life akin to a winding river; it courses through bends and curves, presenting us with choices both large and small. Each choice requires a decision. Amid this constant flow, we may rely on tools to make decisions such as a pro and con list, gut feelings, research, blind faith, or maybe we stay static without moving. I’ve come to realize that indecision is a decision. It often increases discomfort, having us feeling adrift, drowning in a sea of opinions or lost in the labyrinth of thoughts.

Amidst the multitude of choices and sometimes overwhelm, there come moments of clarity which feel simple and clear. I’ve learned to recognize these moments by listening to the subtle cues of my body. A certain peace and calmness arise into a soft “yes.”

This leads me to thinking of the decisions that require patience. Once I feel the “yes,” there may be many other factors before something manifests. When I plant an idea to do something but am not fully ready for it to happen or all the pieces are not in place, I consider the power of patience. Deciding and happening are not always instant. The process reminds me of the decision to bake bread. Once you decide you have to gather the ingredients, measure and mix the dough to get the right consistency, rest and stretch, fold and kneed, then wait as it rises, ferments and proofs. Next, you slowly deflate it, divide it, shape it, and wait some more. It takes more than once before it’s ready to be baked. Think of some of the things you decided on. How fast did they come to be? What were the steps? What helped along the way?

We spoke of decisions and patience. Another part of decision is intention. We can decide something but then we need to take action. How we act matters. If we are doing something because we are wishfully thinking or we have decided, put both feet in and surrender to another ingredient that helps which is intention. Deciding needs intention for action.

Like April showers bringing May flowers, the water of life may become stormy and uncertain. These moments can make it challenging to decide on things. Remembering our values helps us question if our decisions are in alignment with authentic self.

Here are several ways I’ve found guidance for decision-making from my body-felt sense helpful:

  1. Sensing the Soft Yes: Learning to discern the subtle cues within my body, I’ve come to recognize the gentle calmness that accompanies a decision aligned with my truth. Even amidst excitement, there exists a sense of inner peace—a soft, reassuring “yes.”
  2. The Meditation of Crossroads: A colleague once introduced me to a meditation practice centered on decision-making. In this visualization, one imagines taking a stroll through the woods, encountering crossroads with various paths. By intuitively choosing a direction, we tap into our inner wisdom and allow intuition to guide our steps. Here is a recording of the visualization.
  3. Embracing the Pause: Sometimes, the most profound decisions arise from moments of stillness. By allowing ourselves the space of 24 hours before responding, we create room for clarity to emerge amidst the noise of life.
  4. Journaling Dialogue: Engaging in a written dialogue with oneself can offer profound insights. By posing questions to our inner selves and allowing spontaneous responses to flow onto the page, we gain clarity and perspective on our choices.
  5. Body Movement and Expression: Movement-based practices such as yoga or dance can serve as powerful vehicles for decision-making. By tuning into the sensations of the body and allowing movement to unfold organically, we access deeper layers of intuition and embodied wisdom.









Additional Resources

How to Make Hard Choices Ted Talk with Ruth Chang

How to Make Big Decisions Research

Decision Making




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